Huwebes, Agosto 11, 2016

1. List and defined the types of poetic foot or meter.
  • Di meter- a line of verse consisting of two metrical feet or two dipodies. 
  •  Tri meter- a line of verse consisting of 3 dipodies or 3 metrical feet.
  • Fetrameter- a line of verse consisting either of 4 dipodies or 4 metrical feet.
  • Hexameter- a line of verse consisting 6 metrical feet.
  • Pentameter- a rhythm in poetry that has 5 stressed syllable in each line.
2. From the poem entitled: Justice, what point of view is used? Explain your answer.
  - From the poem entitled: Justice the point of view used in the poem is 1st persona because its came from the Author.

3. Still from the same poem, mark the first five line according to types of poetic foot or meter.
          These are the accouterments of  her office- Pentameter.
          The blindfold symbolizing impartiality- Pentameter.
           A golden pair of scales measuring title validity.-hexameter.
          Of evidence given both pro & can.-Pentameter
           the double-edged   sword that pierce trough.-Tetrameter.

1. Why are symbols important in a poem?
- Symbols are important because in a poem  the readers give the meaning and their imagination and those words is difficult to find or understand.

2. Why are symbols important in the life of nation?
- Symbols very important in life of nation because a symbols represent on what kind of nation its might to be. And if the nation is have a symbols its easily to determined.
     What do people get from the symbols of a nation?.
-People get from the symbols of a nation of their some knowledge.

3. From the Philippine flag, what do the following symbols symbolized?
     a. 3 stars - the 3 stars symbolized   Luzon, Visayas, & Mindanao.
     b. 8 ray sun- the 8 rays sun symbolized the 8 island who help during world war 1.
     c. Blue color- the blue color symbolized 'peace'.
     d. Red color- the red color symbolized 'war'.

4. why does the poem describe the Philippines as "my uncertain country".
- "My uncertain country" describe the Philippines as a Home or in Tagalog words "bayang sinilangan".

5. What is the poem trying to say about the difference between justice in the Philippines on justices anywhere else?
- the poem says about the difference between justice in the Philippines on justices anywhere else is that Philippines is not a big country. Our country commit sins and our country is not popular like other country. Philippines has a justice if you commit sins their are justice but on the other countries if  you commit sin you will be die.